People Management Feature
This feature allows users to manage all the people in their life however it will most likely work differenty depending on the location of the user hosting the data and the location of the user that has verfied that the data is part of their identity. MAEGIC is being developed so that users can vote on the algorithms that they want to govern their community so certain features may be available for some users and not for others. If you're new to MAEGIC and are looking to get started, click here for help with installation and setup. If you already have your network setup and wish to use to access this feature online, click here to connect.
NOTE: If you are donating via certain cryptos, you can specify features to support the development of them. Please visit to browse, request and track the development progress of MAEGIC. Feature donations are dispursed to the developers based on their coding contributions, click here for more information.
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